Bite Size Snacks for Every Occasion

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Whether you are having a casual get-together, a birthday party, a champagne breakfast or an elegant cocktail party, entertaining should be an enjoyable experience, allowing you to discover your creativity and make use of your unique skills and culinary ideas. The title is brimful of advice on shortcuts and easy ways out should you prefer to use them. Many of the snacks, dips and nibbles can be prepared beforehand, so that you can relax and enjoy your party. Most of the snacks in this title will also be suitable when next you are asked to bring a platter of eats to a meeting, a school function, a kitchen tea, a stork tea or any other social gathering. While you may just want to rush off to Woollies or Pick 'n Pay and buy some of their ready-made snacks, everybody knows these and it's bound to be pretty obvious where the food came from. But dress them up or camouflage them and you can present a platter of snacks with your own creative touch and very little extra trouble. All the recipes in the title are graded according to preparation time and degree of difficulty, and most of them fall in the easy category. But ease does not exclude elegance, and while the recipes are simple, there is something form everyone to make and enjoy watching friends indulge in.
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