Mandela: 'n Lewe
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, seun van 'n hoofman, is gebore in die Transkei, en was van die begin af bestem vir grootheid. Tog was sy pad gesaai met struikelblokke en is hy weggeskeur van sy geliefdes. Hy is verban en uitgelewer, maar deur sy veg vir vryheid, gelyke regte en menslikheid, het hy daarin geslaag om een van die mees merkwaardige figure te word wat die geskiedenis nog ooit opgelewer het. Na amper drie dekades in die gevangenis, sal Mandela see naam altyd sinoniem wees met 'n bomenslike kapasiteit vir vergifnis, geduld, en 'n onontbeerlike oortuiging dat wat reg is sal triomfeer. Sy karakter, moed, nederigheid en medemenslikheid het gemaak dat die Suid-Afrikaanse volk hom vandag beskou as die Vader van die Nasie. Hierdie titel vertel Mandela se storie.
Author | Hadland, Adrian |
Publisher | Sunbird |
Place | London |
Year | 2007 |
ISBN | 9781919938615 |
Binding | Hardcover |
Condition | New |
Comments | Sealed |
How we describe the condition of our books
We are very proud of the condition of the books we sell (please read our testimonials to find out more!)
New: Exactly as it says.
As New: Pretty much new but shows small signs of having been read; inside it will be clean without any inscriptions or stamps; might contain a remainder mark.
Very Good: Might have some creases on the spine; no hard cracks; maybe slight forward lean and short inscription inside; perhaps very minor bumping on the corners of the book; inside clean but the page edges might be slightly yellowed.
Good: A few creases on the spine, perhaps a forward lean, bumping on corners or shelfwear; maybe an inscription inside or some shelfwear or a small tear or two on the dustjacket; inside clean but page edges might be somewhat yellowed.
Fair: In overall good condition, might have a severe forward lean to the spine, an inscription, bumping to corners; one or two folds on the covers and yellowed pages; in exceptional cases these books might contain some library stamps and stickers or have neat sticky tape which was used to fix a short, closed tear.
Poor: We rarely sell poor condition books, unless the books are in demand and difficult to find in a better condition. Poor condition books are still perfect for a good read, all pages will be intact and none threatening to fall out; most probably a reading copy only.