Vloek (2019)

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In Rudie van Rensburg se eerste Kassie Kasselman-roman, Slagyster, ontmoet ons vir Carl Bester, gevalle oudspeurder. Slagyster eindig waar hy op vlug gaan ná hy geld gesteel het waarop in 'n dwelmsaak beslag gelê is.

In Vloek is Carl terug. Ná 'n dekade word hy skielik gevrywaar van vervolging. Hy kan terugkom na SA - sy bannelingstatus uitgewis, maar teen 'n prys. “Ons vergeet van jou sondes in ruil vir 'n teenprestasie,” sê sy nuwe werkgewer. Hy moet 'n saak van internasionale belang help ontrafel - een wat met lyke besaai lê.
Carl was 'n dekade laas polisieman.

Nou sal hy sy skadukant finaal moet afskud en weer soos 'n volbloedspeurder redeneer om dié saak saam met 'n spul rookies op te los. Sal dié berugte rokjagter ook die versoeking weerstaan om betrokke te raak by 'n beeldskone kollega? En gaan sy pad kruis met dié van Kassie Kasselman, die speurder wat sy diefstal destyds aan die Skerpioene blootgelê het?

Dan is daar die neo-Nazi uit Carl se verre verlede. Gevul met die “heilige krag van die Führer” is hy vasbeslote om wraak te neem op die man wat hom agter tralies laat beland het.

More Information
AuthorRudie van Rensburg
PlaceCape Town
CommentsCorners bumped; corner fold on front cover; closed vertical tear on first page.
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New: Exactly as it says.

As New: Pretty much new but shows small signs of having been read; inside it will be clean without any inscriptions or stamps; might contain a remainder mark.

Very Good: Might have some creases on the spine; no hard cracks; maybe slight forward lean and short inscription inside; perhaps very minor bumping on the corners of the book; inside clean but the page edges might be slightly yellowed.

Good: A few creases on the spine, perhaps a forward lean, bumping on corners or shelfwear; maybe an inscription inside or some shelfwear or a small tear or two on the dustjacket; inside clean but page edges might be somewhat yellowed.

Fair: In overall good condition, might have a severe forward lean to the spine, an inscription, bumping to corners; one or two folds on the covers and yellowed pages; in exceptional cases these books might contain some library stamps and stickers or have neat sticky tape which was used to fix a short, closed tear.

Poor: We rarely sell poor condition books, unless the books are in demand and difficult to find in a better condition. Poor condition books are still perfect for a good read, all pages will be intact and none threatening to fall out; most probably a reading copy only.